Davina Kotulski, Ph.D.

DAVINA S. KOTULSKI, Ph,D, is a licensed psychologist, life coach, spiritual counselor, award-winning author and speaker, and nationally known LGBT rights leader.

Dr. Kotulski received the Saints Alive award from the Metropolitan Community Church for her national leadership in the marriage equality movement and for her seminal book Why You Should Give a Damn About Gay Marriage, Advocate Books, 2004.

In 2018, she played a psychologist on Please Understand Me, a Sarah Silverman production, where comedians hash out the problems of their fake relationship with a real therapist.

Her book It’s Never Too Late to Be Your Self: Follow Your Inner Compass and Take Back Your Life won the Nautilus Silver Award for Self-Help in 2018, was a finalist in the International Book Awards for Inspirational Self Help in 2019 and a Finalist in Motivational Self-Help in the 2020 Next Generation Indie Book Awards.

Her newest book The Manna Paradigm Shift: Creating the Consciousness of Abundance and Freedom was released in 2021.

Dr. Kotulski has appeared on LA Today, Good Morning La La Land, and Wake Up to the Sound of Transformation with new thought leader, Michael Bernard Beckwith.

She lives in Los Angeles and has a therapy and international coaching practice. She facilitates spiritual and psychological self-empowerment webinars and workshops around the country.


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